Week of March 11th-17th, 2019

Minutes Read

Total – 777 total minutes read

Books Finished:

  1. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman

3/11 – 121, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman

3/12 – 102, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman

3/13 – 120, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman

3/14 – 105, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & The Night Manager by John Le Carre

3/15 – 123, The Night Manager by John Le Carre

3/16 – 102, The Night Manager by John Le Carre

3/17 – 104, The Night Manager by John Le Carre

Minutes Listened to Audiobooks

Total – 912 minutes listened to audiobooks

Audiobooks finished:

  1. Where There’s Hope by Elizabeth Smart
  2. Think Like an Economist, The Great Courses

3/11 – 139, Where There’s Hope by Elizabeth Smart

3/12 – 107, Think Like an Economist, The Great Courses

3/13 – 257, Think Like an Economist, The Great Courses

3/14 – 161, Think Like an Economist, The Great Courses

3/15 – 168, Mint Condition by Doug Jamieson

3/16 – 64, Mint Condition by Doug Jamieson

3/17 – 16, Mint Condition by Doug Jamieson